- Publisher: Allen Publishing
- Editor: Ensign Christopher Nemeth
- Edition: First
- Available in: Hard Cover
- Published: 1971
Rare, New Copy Of The Cruise Book Created By The Officers And Crew Of The USS BERKELEY (DDG-15) As A Permanent Record To Commemorate The Westpac Deployment To Vietnam, Departing March 1971
Long Vietnam History Of USS Berkeley (DDG-15)
During USS Berkeley’s six deployments to Vietnam she was awarded the Navy Unit Commendation for the role she played in the August 1964 Tonkin Gulf PT boat incident. That was the first attack on U.S. warships operating in the Gulf.
In 1965 her assignment was patrolling of the Northern Tonkin Gulf as flagship for the Northern Search and Rescue (SAR) Commander. USS Berkeley (DDG-15) coordinated the rescue efforts of Air Force and Navy fighter planes and armed rescue helicopters.
On March 14, 1966 Berkeley’s 5 inch 54 caliber guns silenced North Vietnamese shore batteries. Rescue aircraft successfully recovered six downed aviators.
During Berkeley’s third cruise to Westpac, she participated in seven SAR operations . USS Berkeley directly assisted in the rescue of four pilots. During operation Sea Dragon nearly one thousand rounds of hostile fire were received from North Vietnamese gun emplacements along the coast. Berkeley received no casualties.
The North Vietnamese coast was also the scene of action for Berkeley’s fourth Western Pacific cruise, lasting from July to December of 1968. Her mission was the interdiction of waterborne logistic traffic and weapons sites along the northern coast of Vietnam.
During the years of 1967 and 1968 the Berkeley destructed more than 10% of all hostile craft taken under fire by U.S. Naval warships.
Assignments on her fifth tour in 1970 included serving as escort for two aircraft carriers and naval gunfire support off the coast of South Vietnam.
Berkeley’s sixth tour, and the events of this cruise book, began in March of 1970.
The ship functioned in nearly every capability of a ship in the DDG-2 class.
- Escort duties as “plane-guard” with the USS KITTY HAWK (CVA-63) were assigned while in the Gulf of Tonkin.
- Radar picket duty in the Sea of Japan and SAR activities in the Tonkin Gulf.
- Berkeley concluded her 1971 Western Pacific deployment by making national headlines, firing on targets in the DMZ in support of the South Vietnamese First ARVN Division.
One consistent trait that the crew shared for the six months Berkeley sailed the Pacific was a professional pride in their work. Inspired by mascots and slogans, each division pulled their load . . . and more.
That extra effort by Berkeley’s sailors led to COMMANDER CRUISER DESTROYER FLOTILLA THREE awarding her the “E” for overall Battle Efficiency. The honor cites Berkeley as foremost in a flotilla of forty ships.
Ports of Call were: Japan – Hong Kong – Singapore – Penang.
Candid shots show crewmen in their work and recreational activities. Also, formal individual portraits taken by the book’s publisher.
About This USS BERKELEY (DDG-15) 1971 Cruise Book
The USS BERKELEY (DDG-15) 1971 Westpac Vietnam era cruise book has a stippled linen hardcover and printed on a parchment paper stock. The ship’s cruise book staff selected historical illustrations and photographs to complement the proud history of the United States Destroyer.
This book is new, never before distributed. The pages are in good condition. The linen cover, however, absorbed some marks and stains from 45 years in storage. If you have any questions whatsoever about the contents of this book or its condition, please contact us.